With this post we're introducing a new occasional feature to our blog, "What You're Reading Now." The "Martinez" family* agreed to share their current reading selections to kick this feature off.
"Every man for himself : ten short stories about being a guy" edited by Nancy E. Mercado.
"Jude" by Kate Morgenroth.
"True confessions of a Hollywood starlet" by Lola Douglas.
"L.O.S.T." by Debbie Federici, Susan Vaught.
"Then he ate my boy entrancers : confessions of Georgia Nicolson" by Louise Rennison.
"The almost moon : a novel" by Alice Sebold.
Joyeux Noël [videorecording]
Pontoon [sound recording] by Garrison Keillor.
Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone [sound recording] by [J.K. Rowling].
"A Spot of Bother" by Mark Haddon
"New England White" by Stephen L. Carter
"Last Night I Dreamed of Peace : The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram"
"I Killed Adolf Hitler" by Jason
Angela's ashes [videorecording] /
Dead poets society [videorecording]
Anne Frank remembered [videorecording]
Signs [videorecording]
Tuck Everlasting [videorecording]
By my count, that comes to 10 books, 6 video recordings, and 2 audiobooks. I think it is fair to say that libraries enrich people's lives in many ways.
If you'd care to share
your current selections, please be in touch.
name changed